Women of the ELCA

welcaOur Saviour Executive Committee Officers
President Linda Griffith
Vice President  Isma Boland
Secretary Caroline Raszewski
Treasurer Ann Satterwhite
Advisor Sandra Hughes

Circle Chairs
Cameron Circle Chair: Isma Boland
Lydia Circle Chair: Marie Lybrand
Rebekah Circle Co-Chairs: Linda Hill and Sandra Hughes

Note:  All women of the church are considered members of the Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America; therefore, we encourage joining a circle to help foster better communication within our congregation.  You do not have to become active in a circle to participate in any of our events.

Dates to Remember
January 19          (Sunday) Installation of Council, LMM & WELCA Officers 
January 21          3 PM (Tuesday) WELCA Executive Meeting 
                              (circle leaders w/unit officers) 
                              Opening Prayer:  Vice President Isma Boland 
Feb 28-Mar 1     (Friday-Saturday) SCWELCA Camp Kinard Retreat 
                              Guest Speaker, Pegi Roberts 
March (TBA)       World Day of Prayer 
March (TBA)       3 PM (Sunday) Saxe Gotha Conference Spring Meeting      
April (TBA)          OSLC-Newberry College Nursing Scholarship Donations   
                              (Cameron Circle)   
April 15 6 PM (Tuesday) Joint OSLC-WELCA Meeting    
                              Devotional/Prayer: Lydia 
                              Refreshments: Cameron/Rebekah 
May 16-18          (Friday-Sunday) SCWELCA Isle of Palms Retreat 
August 15-16      (Friday/Saturday) SCWELCA Convention 
                              St. Paul Lutheran Church, 961 Trail Ridge Road, Aiken, SC 
                              “Renew, Refresh, Remember” 
September (TBA) 3 PM Saxe Gotha Conference Fall Meeting   
October 12         3-5 PM (Sunday)- Joint OSLC WELCA Meeting 
                              (Officer nominations/election) 
                              Devotional/Prayer – Rebekah 
                              Refreshments – Lydia 
December (TBA) Immediately following Worship Service 
                              WELCA Executive Meeting (circle leaders w/unit officers) 
                              Opening Prayer: Treasurer, Ann Satterwhite 

Visit the SC WELCA website (www.scwelca.com) monthly as important information regarding retreat speakers, new payment options for events, The Ripple, Bible Study ideas, and updated convention information is posted on a regular basis. It also has a new look with a helpful menu for you to search for specific information.

There are 3 circles that the women of the congregation participate in.
Each circle takes on different responsibilities during the year.

2025 WELCA Directory

Cameron Circle will meet witht he Rebekah Circle
Committee Assignment

Leader—Isma Boland

2nd Monday at 6:00 P.M.
in a member’s home
Committee Assignment
Leader—Marie Lybrand
Recorder—Beverly Nivens

1st Monday at 10:30 A.M.
at the church
Committee Assignment
Leader—Linda Hill
Recorder—Sandra Hughes
Treasurer—Linda Griffith

OSLC-WELCA Hospitality Team Guidelines Approved October 8, 2023