Property, as a subgroup of Stewardship team, oversees the building, contents, and grounds. Examples of this subgroup’s duties include:
- Supervising proper maintenance and protection of church property and grounds
- Providing volunteers to open and close church building
2024 Team Leaders: Jim Garner and Steve Nivens
Members: Bill Aull, Rebecca Fingerlin, Mark Satterwhite, Herman Shealy
2023 Report
Many projects were addressed during 2023. Some of these were necessary due to the Synod guidelines in preparation for a new pastor. Following is a list of projects completed and those ongoing:
1. Renewed copier contract with Pollock for new copier
2. Rekeyed all church locks
3. Worked with city of West Columbia on cleaning up our
4. water lines and flushing them to remove discolored water
5. Had ice machine serviced twice due to mud in water lines
6. Had all fire extinguishers serviced and inspected
7. Replaced emergency lights in sanctuary
8. Replaced large electrical breaker for heating and air
9. Replaced sanctuary heating and air, along with obtaining a contract for servicing all the church’s heating and air units
10. Checking on phone system modifications
11. Checking on sanctuary sound system
12. Replaced first aid kit in hallway
13. Replaced batteries in heart defibrillator
14. Had tea machine serviced
15. Replaced lights on cross outside at front door
16. Working on getting bids for installing security cameras throughout the church
17. Arranged for Dominion Energy to repair the exterior lights in the parking lot
18. Had pot hole repaired in the parking lot
19. Had parking lot sealed and restriped
20. Completed annual backflow test
Submitted by Steve Nivens 2023 Team Leader
Members: Bill Aull, Gary Black, Rebecca Fingerlin, Jim Garner, David Griffith, Linda Griffith, Mark Satterwhite, Herman Shealy