The Altar Guild, as a subgroup of Worship Team, prepares the altar and chancel for worship. Examples of this subgroup’s duties include:
Changing the paraments and banners according to the Church calendar
Preparing the communion table and maintaining all communion and altar linens
Maintaining sacristy inventory
Overseeing acolytes and crucifers
Maintaining and communicating clear policies
Altar Guild Team Leader – Isma Boland
January 2025 Steve and Beverly Nivens
February Steve and Beverly Nivens
March Isma Boland and Melba Murphy
April Isma Boland and Melba Murphy
May Isma Boland and Melba Murphy
June Charles and Ruth Nicholson
July Wayne and Marie Lybrand
August Charles and Ruth Nicholson
September Isma Boland and Melba Murphy
October Gail Marcum and Marie Lybrand
November _____________ and _____________
December Isma Boland and Melba Murphy
January 2026 Steve and Beverly Nivens