Our Saviour Executive Committee Officers
President Linda Griffith
Vice President Isma Boland
Secretary Caroline Raszewski
Treasurer Ann Satterwhite
Advisor Sandra Hughes
Circle Chairs
Cameron Circle Chair: Isma Boland
Lydia Circle Chair: Marie Lybrand
Rebekah Circle Chair: Linda Hill
Note: All women of the church are considered members of the Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America; therefore, we encourage joining a circle to help foster better communication within our congregation. You do not have to become active in a circle to participate in any of our events.
Dates to Remember
January 14 – (Sunday) Installation of Council, LMM & WELCA Officers
January 18 – 6 PM (Thursday)– WELCA Executive Meeting (circle leaders w/unit officers)
Opening Prayer: Linda Griffith
February 16-17 – (Friday-Saturday) Spring WELCA Retreat at Camp Kinard (www.scwelca.com)
March 3 – 12 Noon World Day of Prayer at Emmanual/West Columbia
March 17 – 3 PM (Sunday) Spring SCWELCA St. Stephen/Lexington
April 14 – OSLC-Newberry College Nursing Scholarship Donations (Cameron Circle)
April 16 – 6 PM (Tuesday) Joint OSLC-WELCA Meeting
Devotional/Prayer: Rebekah
Refreshments: Lydia
May 17-19 – (Friday-Sunday) SCWELCA Isle of Palms Lutheran Retreat Center Bible Study (www.scwelca.org)
June 21-22 – (Friday/Saturday) SC Women of the ELCA Convention at St. Luke/Summerville“Just Love” (www.scwelca.org)
September 15 – 3 PM Fall Saxe Gotha Conference Meeting at Transfiguration/ West Columbia (www.scwelca.org)
October 13 – 3-5 PM (Sunday)- Joint OSLC WELCA Meeting (Officer nominations/election)
Devotional/Prayer – Cameron
Refreshments – Rebekah
December 8 – Immediately following Worship Service WELCA Executive Meeting
(circle leaders w/unit officers)
Opening Prayer: Ann Satterwhite
There are 3 circles that the women of the congregation participate in.
Each circle takes on different responsibilities during the year.
OSLC-WELCA Hospitality Team Guidelines Approved October 8, 2023